Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Busy days!

I don't have a picture of a project to post today, but I do have some things I will be sharing over the next few days.  I just haven't had time to photograph them yet.

The weekend flew by at our house.  I was in a meeting all day Saturday, and exhausted on Sunday.  Monday was spent at the doctor's office with my oldest son.  We thought he had broken his ankle, but it was just a bad sprain. The doctor has him take off work until Friday night, and it is already better.  By the time I got him to the doctor, went to Wal Mart twice to get his pain meds (the first time I forgot his prescription card), went to the pharmacy and got his boot, and took care of all the other numerous mommy things; my day was over. 

Today, I had a stamping job to take care.  A friend hired me to make the invitations for a wedding shower she is helping to host.  I will share those with you tomorrow.  I also hope to share pics of my stampin' space with you in the coming days.  It is a small area in my utility room, which I claimed about a year ago, but I love having my own space.  It is all green and pink and pretty, and I love it.  I just wish it was a little bit bigger.

Have a great rest of the week,
